How to Improve Your Mental Health as a Remote Worker


COVID-19 changed the world in a big way, and it completely reshaped the way that people work. Now, more and more employees are taking on remote workers, as working from home is becoming the new norm. Whether you work remotely at all times or you have a hybrid schedule, there are a lot of benefits to working from home. It allows flexibility and a better work life balance, but there are downsides too. Working from home can lead to stress, loneliness and feeling disconnected from your team. Plus, staying on task and remaining productive can be a challenge. These all have a big impact on your mental health, but there are things that you can do to help.

Improving Your WFH Experience

  • Get a Good Night’s Sleep - Sleep, or a lack thereof, can hugely impact your mental health as a remote worker. A good night’s sleep can improve your ability to work hard, be productive and think creatively, and it’s a huge part of enjoying life. A lot of people underestimate the importance of sleep, even though it’s just as key as eating and drinking. When you are working from home, it’s very easy to stay up too late or sleep in, as you don’t have a lengthy commute to factor in. However, an irregular sleeping schedule can hinder your quality of sleep, which is sure to impact your happiness, positive and mental health during the day. Without a good night’s sleep, it’s a lot easier to feel stressed, anxious and irritable.
  • Communicate with Colleagues - Working from home can be lonely and this can have a negative impact on your mental health, so find the time to communicate with colleagues, friends and family throughout the work day. One conversation a day can make a big difference, and it could be the boost you need to feel a bit better about how your day is going. You could schedule plans with friends on your lunch break, or make an effort to network with your fellow employees throughout the day. It’s also important to communicate with your superiors, especially if you are struggling with a task or looking to further your career. For example, you could schedule a meeting to discuss improvements and feedback, or to build relationships with colleagues that you might not speak to on a regular basis otherwise.
  • Find Time to Exercise - Exercise is a key part of maintaining your health, both physically and mentally, which is why it’s important to schedule it in as a remote worker. Exercise can make it a lot easier to manage the challenge of working from home, as it helps with concentration and focus. Exercise also boosts brain derived neurotrophic factor, also known as BDNF. BDNF helps you to learn and remember things, whilst reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Additionally, exercise encourages your brain to release endorphins, which helps you to feel positive and relaxed. It’s a great way to clear the mind after a busy day in the (remote) office.
  • Plan and Organise Your Day - Working from home often means being left to your own devices, and the ability to manage your own time. This is great for flexibility and achieving a good balance with your personal life, but it can make it difficult to be productive and organised. It’s a good idea to create a regular work reschedule and stick to it, as this will help you to stay organised and it will help you to complete tasks on time. Not only does this benefit your performance at work, but it reduces the stress and worry that comes with being overwhelmed, which is beneficial for your mental health.
  • Switch Off After Work - A lot of people who work from home struggle to switch off at the end of the day, which leads to stress and burnout. You could end up thinking about work during your evenings and weekends, when you should be relaxing and unwinding. Switching your work devices off gives you the time to reset, relax and balance your personal life with the demands of your work life. Though work is important, it’s important to take time away from your devices to keep your mental health in check.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to improve your mental health as a remote worker. There are a lot of benefits to remote working, but it’s important to give yourself time to relax, to speak to colleagues and to look after yourself away from your at-home workplace.

Posted by: Branwell Ford